Preface: Programming languages & Python language uniqueness
Python installing and working with python shell
Learning and using Python shell
Creating inputs & output
Variable types Int, Float, String, Bool
Variable type conversion
Conditional statements and usage of if,else,eliif
Logical conditions \ logical expressions
Boolean operators
Mathematical basic operators including power, remainder & modulo
Short review
Python functions
String variables manipulations
String multiplication
Loops: for & while – which one is suitable, per case
Debugger IDE installation
Debugger usage
Writing programs and using the debugger
Python Iterator type – 1st encounter
The function next () and usages
Continue with loops: break,continue,pass,else
Endless loops
Python List type
Functions and operator’s usage with List
Slicing operations with lists, sorting (forward & backward)
Python Tuple type
Tuple initialization,usages,examples,pros&cons
Functions with Tuple
List & tuple comprehension
Python Dictionary type initialization, usages, examples
Functions with Dictionary
Python set type
Set initialization, usages, examples
Functions with Set
Working with data files
Data files operations: Create, Open for reading, reading and writing, appending & Close
Files advanced operations
Sequential & random Reading and writing to files
File zipping and un-zipping
Functions, definition, usages, capabilities and return values
Function types
Variables scope
Global, Local, Non-Local
The exec function + examples
Functions: assert () & callable ()
Exception handling – structure, handling errors and special conditions.
Python generators – principal & theory
Generators: pros & cons
Defining a class, defining an object
Class constructors & destructors
Defining methods
Static & Class method
Class inheritance
Method overriding
Multiple Inheritance
Python operators overloading
Module sys & usages
Decorators in python
Module struct
Lambda function with examples & exercises
Functions: filter, map, reduce
Usage and exercises
Regular expressions – definitions
Regular Expressions: rules, expressions, examples
Module OS
Using folders
Module logging and creation of log files
Logging to a file, logging to stdout , logging format
Python Threads
GIL problem
Daemon threads
Thread pool
Threads short review
Threads timer & barrier
Python Multiprocessing
Process Pool
Process Queue
Process Pipe,Lock
Process Array,Value
Process Events,Semaphore,Mutex
Python datetime module
Calculate durations, time zone and time differences
Python Code efficiency: run time & improvements
TCP client server short demo
Python coroutines principals
Python coroutines and cooperative multitasking
Coroutine state machine example
Module asyncio methods & keywords
Module csv
Csv classes methods, examples & exercises
Module xml methods & examples
Python handling Excel files
Excel files, open close, rules, pattern & charts handling
Handling JSON files
Json module methods, classes & functions
Module numpy
Module numpy Arrays, methods & functions
Numpy zeros() ones() eye()
Numpy slicing
Numpy array operations: add(), subtract(),mul(),div()
Numpy dot() & transpose
Complex numbers theory and exercises
Linear algebra: Matrices, Vectors & exercises
Data collection, handling
Data cleaning
Data processing
Producing reports
Class exercise
Review final project
Module matplotlib – capabilities & demo
Matplotlib graphs demonstration: - Lines,Bars,Pie Multi-Graphs
2D & 3D graphs
Add grids, save plots, labels
Material review numpy & matplotlib – review exercise
Module Pandas
Data organizing, cleaning, sorting
Data manipulations
Pandas Series and DataFrames
Pandas Update, Add, Remove Sort
Reading files
Produce graphs
Pandas ExcelWriter,ExcelReader
Class material test
Module SCIPY – usages
SciPy Integrals & differentials
Scipy Graphical presentation
Scipy various functions
Graphical presentation
Web scraping
Flask module
Jinja module
Bokeh module
Course final project review
Python various packages
Various python example
Course summary
Next steps in python
Course’s Evaluation