Séminaire sur la sécurité des IoT

Ref : KSE009

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Un niveau d'anglais business moyen est requis car la formation sera dispensée en anglais.


Le séminaire est conçu pour les participants à vocation technique, les ingénieurs, les architectes, les professionnels de l'informatique, les professionnels de l'IoT, les responsables équipes IT et informatiques, les responsables de la R&D, les DSI qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur les aspects de la sécurité de l'IoT.


La croissance et le rôle central de l'Internet des objets dans le monde de la technologie sont déjà un fait.
L'IoT apporte le réseau sur tous les aspects physiques réels de notre vie : nos voitures, services publics, maisons, villes, industries et plus encore…
Avec une telle influence, la sécurité de l'IoT devient une préoccupation majeure et un catalyseur pour la faisabilité de l'ensemble de l'industrie. La sécurité doit être une préoccupation pour chaque partie prenante de l'IoT, des développeurs aux prestataires de services en passant par les clients et les utilisateurs finaux.
Le séminaire sur la sécurité de l'IoT vise à relever ce défi.
Il s'agit d'un séminaire d'une journée axé sur la présentation des bases de la sécurité de l'IoT aux professionnels de l'IoT.
Le séminaire permettra aux managers, aux planificateurs et aux développeurs de comprendre le paysage de la sécurité IoT et donnera aux participants les outils et les connaissances nécessaires pour développer et fournir des solutions de sécurité IoT.

IoT – Top Ten Security Issues down arrow icon

· Discover and learn the IoT top ten security issues, defined by the OWASP organization. Including real examples and recommended mitigations. The top ten includes the cloud side (API and web interface), the client side (mobile / physical security) and general concerns (privacy, transport layer encryption etc.)

SDL (Secure Development Lifecycle) in IoT products down arrow icon

· Security assurance for delivered devices and patching management opened a new area for the SDL world. Find out new Tips & Tricks for SDL implementation in IoT products. Secure lifecycle is the first step in keeping the product optimally secure. Besides that, in delivered devices, fixing vulnerabilities is much more expensive and sometimes almost impossible.

Security Architecture in IoT down arrow icon

· Secure architecture is not just the solutions for known issues, it is also how to plant a smart basis to allow future security upgrades. Learn about security considerations such as implementing device ID initialization, encryption, pairing and load distribution between the end-devices, mobile and the cloud.

Legal issues in IoT products down arrow icon

· Smart connected devices are shipped all over the world. Learn about legal issues on topics such as privacy and working inside client’s network. Knowing the legal considerations in advance saves a lot of time later, and also might be the thin line between a successful product and a huge lawsuit.

Security Consideration of Verticals down arrow icon

· The connected device world is so wide, there are different problems for different verticals, and different approaches to handling the same problem depending on the vertical.

· Every vertical has its unique set of security challenges and the optimal solution suitable to its vertical.

· Find out other topics that are relevant to your industry and learn how professionals in other industries solve similar problems.

Case study in IoT security down arrow icon

· Hear the issues, considerations, mitigations, and a life-story of an IoT product from one of companies in the industry. The requirements of the different teams, including product management and the security advisors.

· A case study is a chance to hear end to end, the whole product story, problems, doubts, and successful decisions

The End down arrow icon

· Q&A

· Course’s Evaluation

teacher picture

David Movshovitz

Lecturer at LOGTEL

A propos

Dr. David Movshovitz is a senior lecturer at LOGTEL. David brings with him 30 years of experience in information security with a broad view of the range of topics necessary to build a comprehensive and efficient data protection system for product / system it must protect. He is software engineering and information security expert, and is teaching academic courses on Web-Application-Security and on Developing Secure Applications in Inter Disciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzalia and in Michlelet Tel-Aviv. Dr. Movshovitz headed a R&D team in the IDF that has earned the Israeli Defense Award for professional excellence. After his departure from the military, Dr. Movshovitz has served in senior R&D positions in the Hi-Tech industry (e.g. Elscint, Taldor Group, F5 Networks). Dr. Movshovitz was a co-founder and VP R&D at Algotec Systems Ltd. that was acquired by Kodak, a CTO and VP R&D of Magnifire Ltd. that was acquired by F5 Networks, and a CTO of Navajo Systems Ltd. that has been acquired by Salesforce.com. Dr. Movshovitz earned his doctorate in Physics from Bar-Ilan University.

price icon Prix

688 € HT

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Sur demande - contactez-nous

clock icon Durée

2 jours (4 h/j )

teacher icon Professeur

David Movshovitz

level icon Niveau


wheelchair icon Accessibilité

Oui Non

certification icon Certification

Oui Non

cpf icon Eligible CPF

Oui Non


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