Applications innovantes pour l'IA - Séminaire

Ref : KDS011

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Un niveau d'anglais business moyen est requis car la formation sera dispensée en anglais.


Chefs de projet, chefs de produit, managers, développeurs et architectes qui veulent en savoir plus sur l'IA.


Machine learning et intelligence artificielle brisent les limites des logiciels et sont particulièrement performant pour résoudre les problèmes et fournir des informations qui ne pourraient pas être obtenues avec la technologie conventionnelle. L'intelligence artificielle étendra considérablement les capacités de la technologie à aller au-delà de ses limites actuelles et permettra aux décideurs de créer des avantages compétitifs significatifs et même de nouvelles catégories de produits. Le séminaire Solutions innovant pour AI s'adresse aux managers et aux décideurs pour leur permettre de comprendre cette technologie et ses capacités et leur donner les outils pour prendre des décisions en vue d'avantages compétitifs. Nous passerons en revue de nombreuses industries - automobile, commerce de détail et marketing, soins de santé, sécurité - qui utilisent déjà cette technologie pour se libérer des frontières du passé. Des études de cas spécifiques en analyse de détail et de marché, reconnaissance d’image et en automobile seront étudiées. Plus important encore, nous acquérons une compréhension des principes et de la portée de cette technologie.

Introduction down arrow icon

In this talk we will review the different domains we have in AI, focusing mainly on machine learning and NLP. We’ll describe a few popular algorithms in machine learning and how we use them in the retail market, CRM and Cyber-security domains.

We will then review the work of a data scientist, from data preparation to data validation, to more advanced topics like model calibration and data science in the cloud.

When Technology Meets Reality: The Wide Scope of Machine Learning Applications down arrow icon

In recent years, machine learning has moved from research into reality. From automotive to healthcare and from cyber security to marketing. Everywhere we see projects, products and initiatives intent on harnessing this technology and thus overcoming past performance limitations.

The lecture will review the wide scope of target industries together with their associated use cases. Special attention will be given to current market trends and prominent projects.

Data science in the Retail market down arrow icon

We will review the main challenges marketers have in the retail domain and different approaches that can be used to handle them. We then learn about common pitfalls that we face if our model is not carefully designed. We finish with an example of a model that achieves high scores when run on a real supermarket chain’s data.

Computer Vision down arrow icon

Computer vision is one of the most highly used machine learning fields. It is used by many industries, such as medical, automotive, robotics, defense and more. Our lecture will serve as an introductory review to computer vision, its uses, solutions, methods and relevant markets. It will start with the general picture, then we will go through the various applications which will be followed by a thorough market review.

Creating Automotive Intelligence-Machine Learning in Automotive down arrow icon

With the current technological transition occurring in the automotive industry, machine learning is becoming an enabling technology for the entire market. It starts with customer service, involving remote diagnostics and predictive maintenance, and continues with eco-system industries such as insurance telematics and connected car service. Such specified areas are only the appetizer–the most exciting challenges are in the areas of autonomous vehicles and driving assistance features.

In this lecture we will review the various uses of artificial intelligence technologies in automotive and learn about the current status of their use in the industry. Special focus will be given to main players and also to attractive features. The lecture will include product demonstration clips.

teacher picture

Leeor Langer

CTO at Wearable Devices LTD

A propos

Leeor Langer is the CTO of a startup company called Wearable Devices LTD. He is also a LogTel instructor and a data science advisor to a number of medical device companies. Leeor is especially interested in linking between mathematical methods and real-world problems. He has worked for both large and small companies, before founding his own, from Intel to startups such as BrandShield. He holds a BSc in Electrical Engineering from the Technion and an MSc in Applied Mathematics from TAU.

price icon Prix

688 € HT

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Sur demande - contactez-nous

clock icon Durée

2 jours (4 h/j )

teacher icon Professeur

Leeor Langer

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wheelchair icon Accessibilité

Oui Non

certification icon Certification

Oui Non

cpf icon Eligible CPF

Oui Non


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